Oscar Fish as Pets

Oscar Fish as Pets
All About Oscar Fish
Oscar fish are known for throwing tantrums and are generally an aggressive fish. To be able to breed this fish, you will need to create sufficient space for each fish. The gravel, if you do not intend to change it, should be rinsed with fresh water. When doing this, do not use soaped water. Positioning your tank should be done with utmost care. This is because the Oscar fish are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations, as well as noise and light intensity. You should place the tank away from windows and open vents. Algae in particular will limit the amount of oxygen available for your Oscar fish.
To avoid damaging your tank and leaving your Oscar homeless, you should ensure that the stand is stable. Allow up to 24 hours for the water to condition. For new fish you could use a stress reliever or water conditioner to prepare the environment.
From the shops you could add water conditioner for fish aquariums, then the Oscar fish that will adapt immediately. This will help your fish adjust to their new home.
It is important to keep an eye to the temperature where your Oscar fish reside. Temperatures between 74 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit are mostly preferred by Oscar fish. Fluctuating temperatures should be avoided because they produce unstable environments.
Never change the water all at once. Add water every time you notice the pH level has drastically increased.

Unique Oscar Cichlid
Other common names include Velvet Cichlid, Marble Cichlid, and Tiger Oscar. These fish are rapid growers. Reaching an average of 12 inches in length, some have been known reach a total of 18 inches and weigh 3.5 lbs.
Juvenile Oscars have spotted heads and are striped with wavy, orange and white bands.
Oscar Cichlids are known to be aggressive compared to other members in the cichlid family. Jack Dempsey's, Pacus, and Silver Dollars will work well as tank mates as well as other moderately aggressive cichlids.
Oscars are curious, playful, and popular among hobbyists.
Since Oscars are carnivores, their diet should consist of fish and insects. Feeder fish, brine shrimp, krill, and crickets are all acceptable food types. High quality prepared foods such as pellets and flakes can also be supplemented with the food types previously mentioned.
A 75 gallon tank per Oscar is the ideal size with a water temperature range of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Although Oscars are relatively hardy fish, water conditions must be kept clean and maintained.

Oscar Fish as Pets
Aquarium Fishes Oscar Fish Care
One of the more aggressive aquarium fish, Oscar fish are not only temperamental but beautiful in their tanks. Oscar fish care requires research and understanding of the fish's psyche and social behavior. Care of Oscar fish also requires knowledge of their growth rate as well. Taking care of fish brings into question, just how do you take care of a fish properly? Is there such thing as pet health care for fish? Oscar fish are one of the more popular aquarium fish, despite their aggressive nature against other fish. Oscar fish keeping requires a good size tank, at least thirty gallons is required for Oscar fish. There are several types of Oscar fish, including the pink Oscar, the Tiger Oscar, and the Albino Oscar, the new addition. Oscar fish care requires a bit of understanding of the fish and the pet health care it will take to maintain the fish itself. Oscar fish keeping means quite a dedication to maintaining a healthy system for your Oscar. Oscar fish need enough space to live safely and happily. Feeding Oscar fish requires carnivorous fish food. Purchase appropriate food at your local fish store. Oscar fish can produce a thousand eggs with one spawning, so be prepared. Consulting an expert on fish on Oscar care and pet health can help you understand the type of fish that is best for you. Oscar fish are quite beautiful and interesting fish to have in an aquarium, but Oscar fish care is quite specific.